Ok, I don't know what crack like substance they put in this stuff, but it is addictive. It is one of those pseudo healthy snacks, like Sun Chips. Where they market it like it is a better alternative to snack foods, but when you actually look into it, it is still just crap. Delicious crap, addictive crap, but still crap.
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Zoo
Today we - briefly - went to the zoo. It was supposed to be 94 and sunny. It was more like 85 and some sun. It was also bring your insane screaming brat to the zoo day. We only lasted about an hour or so before we bailed.
I have such fond memories of the zoo, from my own childhood and from taking my nieces and nephew there when they were little. It has changed. It seemed far more commercial, for lack of a better term, and more geared towards a kiddie play land. There are carousels and play fountains and climbing toy things everywhere. There seemed to be more them than there were animals! It was highly disappointing. I am sure they crunched the numbers and determined that this 'new' format is profitable, but it was no longer the zoo of my childhood. Sort of like when you go back to see your childhood home, you remember how huge it was, how amazing this place or that thing was, but when you get there, it is just an average home, much smaller than you recall and nothing all that special - except in your head. It was like that. And they are re-doing allot of it, so some exhibits were closed or condensed or 'sanitized for our protection'. It used to be much better, at least in my head it was.
But I did take a few pics while we were there.
Let the (Mini) Q Begin

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Fave New Site
Always a goodie - Craig's List - but wait - there's more. The BEST OF CRAIG'S LIST!!
Random hysterical smart alack postings from around the nation. Hubby just found this part of the site and we are still in hysterics. Below are few choice postings:
"please come pick up our gently used rocketship/boat/race car/fort/house/time machine. don't spend your 600 stimulus clams on your kids. give dubya the finger while you invest it and get them this!! it will be gone by thursday if no responses. i am 6'3" so it is obviously big enough to fly to the moon, cross the atlantic, win the indy 500, defend against invading raiders, do fake home remodeling projects, or travel back in time to tell your parents you don't want a crappy box. " (Insert picture of a refrigerator box.)
"Ferocious attack kitten is available for adoption to any home willing to accept him. This destructive kitty has been trained as a proud warrior and will fiercely defend your house, even against you. Well-trained since 10-weeks of age to attack anything in his presence, he will protect your family from evil things, including the following: * insects * other trained attack kittens * babies * toilet paper * anything under a blanket * unwanted house guests * paper bags * floor rugs * Chuck Norris * Feet. Great with children (assuming you don’t like the children). Probably best used for professional catfighting. He is housebroken, but only because he wants to be. This attack cat has trained himself to seek out his food anywhere you hide it and rip the bag open to feed himself, great for those who travel extensively. Also trained to drink water out of toilet bowls and dishwater from items in the sink. Knows how to open some doors. He will find you wherever you hide. Neutered (trust me, you wont want to him to procreate). Has not been declawed, but you'll figure that out really fast. Understands and responds to a variety of vulgar and profane verbal commands. Has a very soft and furry belly, like a teddy bear - however he will bite your face if you try to touch it. Willing to accept trades. Potential adopters must have experience with trained attack-kittens... please be prepared to show scars. For the love of God, someone please take this thing out of my house. "
"For Sale—One (1) Wife, slightly used, 1964 Model
Needs muffler, as it is currently VERY LOUD. Intake valve is stuck in the open position. Rear end needs major overhaul. A crack there has grown monstrously large. Needs re-wiring—Many wires are currently crossed. Lots of little dings in the body, which have been covered up with too much paint in a failed effort at camouflaging them. Needs re-upholstering—Carpet has turned a dingy gray. Needs front-end work--Tits are too close to the ground, and knees are too far apart. May not pass emissions test, as it currently produces foul clouds of malodorous gases on a regular basis, Heater works great. Hot air is never in short supply.. Asking $500 or trade for 1984 model. "
"Nonfuncnional Organic lawn mower
Free to a needy yard, one, two year old grumpy, mean and annoying so called minature goat, needs work, It won't eat weeds but will eat your shrubs and flowers,Is anti-social, which means that he does nothing but scream at you every time you go outside. The only time he's friendly is when your feeding him. He bullies his brother around. Really isn't too smart, he gets his head stuck in my fence almost on a daily bais, which has to be cut to remove him. The reason I'm getting rid of him is because after two years of trying, I realized I'm not a tree hugger and would rather mow my weeds than wait for the stupid goat to eat them. Now that you know what to expect from him, and your still interested keep in mind that I will not give him to someone just to make tacos out of. I want him to go somewhere to be a companion to a horse, or someone thats willing to put in the time to make him tame & friendly. He is cut so the billy goat thing isn't an issue. Below are a couple of pic's including his head stuck,and a pic of his replacement. "
"Dear Cat, I have some issues with you right now that I would like to hash out. And now is as good a time as any with you laying over my arms while I am trying to type on the computer. You don't even look comfortable and you can't breathe lying like that with your butt higher up than your head but your brain is the size of a walnut so I will forgive you. First of all, the litterbox. Is it your goal to poop on the rim of the box? Because if it is, bravo! Mission accomplished, you can stop now. You have proved your point. It is not funny anymore, and I have run out of sticks in the yard to clean it off with. The box is big enough, and you are still small, so don't even go there. Now... making pointless, incessant noises. If I take something away from you because I am tired of hearing it scoot across the floor for the last 2 hours, it does not mean to go find something else to mess with. I mean really where do you find this stuff? A wad of paper? A bottle cap? Is that really that fun to play with? I put things on the coffee table because I want them there. I do not want you to knock EVERYTHING off of the coffee table in one of your mindless "tearing ass through the house for no reason" adventures every single day. Once in a while, it is amusing. Every day, it's not that funny. Your ass stinks. I mean REALLY stinks. Like the worst poop you've ever smelled. Why do you smell soooo horrible? I thought cats were clean! I have never experienced this smelly, stinky cat phenomena with any other cat on this Earth. Why, God, did you give me the most stinky cat in this solar system? And Cat, why do you insist on showing me your ass? I know it stinks, but what am I supposed to do about it? Bathe you??? LOL! Remember the last time that happened? I still have the scars... Also, when you sit on my arm, please have the kindness to put your tail over your butthole so it doesn't come into contact with my skin. I might catch something. Lastly, I am allergic to you. I know this isn't your fault, but knowing this, why do you insist on rubbing the whole length of your body on my face? Okay... I just pulled a CATHAIR out of my eye. No wonder my eyes are itchy if you are purposefully depositing your dander into my eyes! What are you trying to prove here? That you know I'm stuck with you? While you're busy carrying things about the house in your mouth to deposit them into some area that I haven't discovered yet- would you mind bringing me a peice of sandpaper to me so that I can alleviate the itching you've caused me? Oh- while we're on this subject, I need my hair ties back- I know you have them. Thanks. "
Random hysterical smart alack postings from around the nation. Hubby just found this part of the site and we are still in hysterics. Below are few choice postings:
"please come pick up our gently used rocketship/boat/race car/fort/house/time machine. don't spend your 600 stimulus clams on your kids. give dubya the finger while you invest it and get them this!! it will be gone by thursday if no responses. i am 6'3" so it is obviously big enough to fly to the moon, cross the atlantic, win the indy 500, defend against invading raiders, do fake home remodeling projects, or travel back in time to tell your parents you don't want a crappy box. " (Insert picture of a refrigerator box.)
"Ferocious attack kitten is available for adoption to any home willing to accept him. This destructive kitty has been trained as a proud warrior and will fiercely defend your house, even against you. Well-trained since 10-weeks of age to attack anything in his presence, he will protect your family from evil things, including the following: * insects * other trained attack kittens * babies * toilet paper * anything under a blanket * unwanted house guests * paper bags * floor rugs * Chuck Norris * Feet. Great with children (assuming you don’t like the children). Probably best used for professional catfighting. He is housebroken, but only because he wants to be. This attack cat has trained himself to seek out his food anywhere you hide it and rip the bag open to feed himself, great for those who travel extensively. Also trained to drink water out of toilet bowls and dishwater from items in the sink. Knows how to open some doors. He will find you wherever you hide. Neutered (trust me, you wont want to him to procreate). Has not been declawed, but you'll figure that out really fast. Understands and responds to a variety of vulgar and profane verbal commands. Has a very soft and furry belly, like a teddy bear - however he will bite your face if you try to touch it. Willing to accept trades. Potential adopters must have experience with trained attack-kittens... please be prepared to show scars. For the love of God, someone please take this thing out of my house. "
"For Sale—One (1) Wife, slightly used, 1964 Model
Needs muffler, as it is currently VERY LOUD. Intake valve is stuck in the open position. Rear end needs major overhaul. A crack there has grown monstrously large. Needs re-wiring—Many wires are currently crossed. Lots of little dings in the body, which have been covered up with too much paint in a failed effort at camouflaging them. Needs re-upholstering—Carpet has turned a dingy gray. Needs front-end work--Tits are too close to the ground, and knees are too far apart. May not pass emissions test, as it currently produces foul clouds of malodorous gases on a regular basis, Heater works great. Hot air is never in short supply.. Asking $500 or trade for 1984 model. "
"Nonfuncnional Organic lawn mower
Free to a needy yard, one, two year old grumpy, mean and annoying so called minature goat, needs work, It won't eat weeds but will eat your shrubs and flowers,Is anti-social, which means that he does nothing but scream at you every time you go outside. The only time he's friendly is when your feeding him. He bullies his brother around. Really isn't too smart, he gets his head stuck in my fence almost on a daily bais, which has to be cut to remove him. The reason I'm getting rid of him is because after two years of trying, I realized I'm not a tree hugger and would rather mow my weeds than wait for the stupid goat to eat them. Now that you know what to expect from him, and your still interested keep in mind that I will not give him to someone just to make tacos out of. I want him to go somewhere to be a companion to a horse, or someone thats willing to put in the time to make him tame & friendly. He is cut so the billy goat thing isn't an issue. Below are a couple of pic's including his head stuck,and a pic of his replacement. "
"Dear Cat, I have some issues with you right now that I would like to hash out. And now is as good a time as any with you laying over my arms while I am trying to type on the computer. You don't even look comfortable and you can't breathe lying like that with your butt higher up than your head but your brain is the size of a walnut so I will forgive you. First of all, the litterbox. Is it your goal to poop on the rim of the box? Because if it is, bravo! Mission accomplished, you can stop now. You have proved your point. It is not funny anymore, and I have run out of sticks in the yard to clean it off with. The box is big enough, and you are still small, so don't even go there. Now... making pointless, incessant noises. If I take something away from you because I am tired of hearing it scoot across the floor for the last 2 hours, it does not mean to go find something else to mess with. I mean really where do you find this stuff? A wad of paper? A bottle cap? Is that really that fun to play with? I put things on the coffee table because I want them there. I do not want you to knock EVERYTHING off of the coffee table in one of your mindless "tearing ass through the house for no reason" adventures every single day. Once in a while, it is amusing. Every day, it's not that funny. Your ass stinks. I mean REALLY stinks. Like the worst poop you've ever smelled. Why do you smell soooo horrible? I thought cats were clean! I have never experienced this smelly, stinky cat phenomena with any other cat on this Earth. Why, God, did you give me the most stinky cat in this solar system? And Cat, why do you insist on showing me your ass? I know it stinks, but what am I supposed to do about it? Bathe you??? LOL! Remember the last time that happened? I still have the scars... Also, when you sit on my arm, please have the kindness to put your tail over your butthole so it doesn't come into contact with my skin. I might catch something. Lastly, I am allergic to you. I know this isn't your fault, but knowing this, why do you insist on rubbing the whole length of your body on my face? Okay... I just pulled a CATHAIR out of my eye. No wonder my eyes are itchy if you are purposefully depositing your dander into my eyes! What are you trying to prove here? That you know I'm stuck with you? While you're busy carrying things about the house in your mouth to deposit them into some area that I haven't discovered yet- would you mind bringing me a peice of sandpaper to me so that I can alleviate the itching you've caused me? Oh- while we're on this subject, I need my hair ties back- I know you have them. Thanks. "
Favorite New Show
Unsuspecting travelers hop into a cab in New York and end up on a game show - how fun!
Unsuspecting travelers hop into a cab in New York and end up on a game show - how fun!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Dim Sum and Then Some
Today's adventure - Navy Pier & Chinatown!
It started out a little overcast, but turned into another lovely day overall. Sunny and 81, eventually. We spent some time at Navy Pier - I know what your thinking - tourist trap. True, it is, but it is also a beautiful place to hang on a sunny day. Peaceful and homey, provided there aren't allot of kids around. You get a great view of the city, fresh air, sunshine, a lovely walk and tons of entertainment and concessions - provided you can handle the exorbitant costs. If you go, grab a snack and walk all the way to the end of the pier. Watch the boats, watch the gulls and enjoy the relative peace of the lakeshore. Also, bring enough $$$$$ for the Mackinac Island Fudge and We're Completely Nuts! The best mashuga nuts ever, and fudge that will make you willing to shoot insulin the rest of your life, just for a taste. Oh, and don't forget to soak up some culture. Visit the Smith Museum of Stained Glass, it is amazing.
Then onto Chinatown, our kind of town! Kitchy cool and amazing food at every corner. If it is your first time there, plan on spending the entire day and eating till you bust. If you are a veteran, you can do it in a few hours and still eat till you bust. So much crap, so little time. Each store chock full of fabulous crap or frightening dried goods OR - even worse - LIVE THINGS! Ha Ha! It is amazing, this microcosm of another culture in our own backyard. We have our favorite haunts, the ones with the best crap or best food. The most amazing food, by the way, is at WON KOW. It is one of the oldest restaurants in Chinatown and for good reason. NEVER have we had a disappointing meal there. Our faves this trip - Dim Sum! WOW! The BBQ Pork and the Shrimp, Meat, Peanut - to die for. (They use the phrase 'meat' as a catch all for God only what wasn't fast enough to get away.) Also, new this year, but just as fabulous, The Vietnamese Noodle Shop. Po - Wonderful!
Side Note - When shopping for clothes in Chinatown, remember that they base the sizes on the average Asian woman's' frame, not a real human size. Example, I bought the lovely frock above at one of our favorite crap shops. Normally I wear an XS - S, depending. In Chinatown, my Godzilla like proportions render me an XL! XL! They must think I am a Sasquatch, a big red and white Sasquatch.
Side Note Duo - dug out my pedometer this morning and wore it all day. Total of 7.6 miles today. Thay may have burned off one egg roll, or three bites of fudge.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Input from the husband...
I guess the husband should get on board with the blogging thing sometimes too. Lisa and I had a wonderful time at Morton Arboretum, sans sunshine. Damned if my 'delicate flower' of a wonderful wife didn't lay down 12.5 miles. I was quite impressed, even though I told her she could do it. I'm very proud of her, the hills were, at times, quite steep and brutal, but she made it just fine.
At one point Lisa trekked on ahead while I stopped to look and take a photo of the Millennium Tree, a 250 year old oak tree. There is something quite humbling about standing before such a magnificent and grand form of life. It was already 25 or so years old when our country declared its independence. Such a magnificent tree:
12.5 That is what I did. 12.5 Miles. Miles I say, on my bike. Yes it qualifies as a near death experience.
Today we went to the Morton Arboretum - http://www.mortonarb.org/ - and biked the entire thing. I am still in shock. I cannot believe I didn't die. To think 5 years ago I couldn't walk around the block, and today I biked 12.5 miles and lived. Granted I begged every Deity ever known to all mankind to give me strength, forgive me of my sins and allow me to finish intact, but I did it.
It was supposed to be 90 and sunny, but it turned out to be 85 and pissy rain - hence the oh so attractive poncho. It was beautiful. And the smell - WOW!! It had this amazing wet, warm, sweet odor, no matter where you went. We were in love with that scent. And the truth be told, I had a great time. An awesome time. Excluding the moments where I thought I was stroking out or when I pictured the search and rescue team finding my very dead, very white, half decomposed body under the canopy of an ancient elm - barring those moments - it ROCKED!!
Chicago Botanic Garden
The day was glorious! EVERYTHING was in bloom, the weather was perfect - 85, sunny, light breeze. We walked a good five plus miles over the course of the day, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air and getting some much needed exercise. It is one of our favorite spots to spend the day. We actually took about 250 pictures between us, while we were there. I know these are allot, but they were some of my favorites. You should seriously consider spending a few days a year here. At least one in the Spring/Summer and one in the fall, when the gardens are just as beautiful, but look completely different. It is one of those forgotten treasures of the area, totally under appreciated. http://www.chicago-botanic.org/
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