It seems to be working. Against the odds, there are moments of peace, where Truman and Binks don't try to eat each others face off. Actually, according to the articles we have read on the Internet, and the vet we consulted, they are doing fine. They are playing, establishing dominance, and only occasionally actually trying to kill each other. But we are still cautious, they are still being monitored during every play period, and they still get alone time to relax and cool off. But as you can see, they have a few moments where they can play and rest together.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Getting Better All The Time
It seems to be working. Against the odds, there are moments of peace, where Truman and Binks don't try to eat each others face off. Actually, according to the articles we have read on the Internet, and the vet we consulted, they are doing fine. They are playing, establishing dominance, and only occasionally actually trying to kill each other. But we are still cautious, they are still being monitored during every play period, and they still get alone time to relax and cool off. But as you can see, they have a few moments where they can play and rest together.