I'm Not Dead
Not this time, not yet. Round three of my near death experiences, and I made it through again. SO THERE! HA!
Sorry I have been away, not that there is anyone out there reading this, but I was busy almost dying. Apparently I had a bacterial infection that went to my brain and caused me to have a seizure. I have been resting and on major meds for the last few weeks. How did I get a bacterial infection that went to my brain - don't ask. How did it get so bad it went to my brain and I didn't notice? Hey, I feel like a pile a crap every day, it takes something sort of major for me to take notice, otherwise, it falls under my usual 'plague-like' daily symptoms. Oh, and I learned I now have Insulinemia - one of the dumbest diseases ever - which is like reverse diabetes - I now produce too much insulin for my body to use so it is wearing out my pancreas, liver and kidneys. Spiffy, eh? But the doctors say that is the least of my problems - LOL!
Actually, I am now fine, the docs were worried the cocktail of meds they had me on would make me so sick I would have to stay in the hospital for the entire time but they had the opposite effect on me. Instead of throwing up, stomache ache, migraines, nausea like I have had every day since this surgery - that all stopped. I actually felt normal - stupid - but normal. They don't know why they made me dumb, or feel better, but unfortunately, they cannot allow me to stay on them indeffinately either. It is like the pill version of chemo and has it own long term draw backs, so I have to go back to being me. And even though I was on all these drugs, I got a chest thing! HA! A little cough, tightness, have to go for an x-ray now to see what that is.... My doc is like "Seriously, you are on more meds than Doctors Without Borders gets in a YEAR, and you get a chest cold - HOW?!?!" And my stupid reverse diabetes is responding to the change in diet which is what they were hoping would happen.
So I'll live. More medical bills, more tired, but alive.
I missed blogging about the Oscars and the great fashion - Miley was the best, can you even believe that?! The kid rocked it. And Hugh, O M G what can a woman say ...