Sunday, April 12, 2009


PLEASE!!! Get us the hell out of here! We are at it again - trying to sell our condo so we can get to Florida this year. We didn't think it would happen, but then all of a sudden, things started moving, and we thought we would give it a shot again. Plus with the first time buyer credit Obama is offering our target audience, we think there is a chance. We hope anyway. We spent this Easter weekend with repairmen and painters, then cleaning all day Sunday, including washing the dog. Fun. I am tired and grumpy beyond belief. Even more surly than usual. Tomorrow is final grout work and carpet cleaning - more fun. But I am leaving that all for Michael, as I am off to my hideous job for 12 hours, then try to list the place ourselves.

I hope this all pays off and we can move this year. I cannot take another winter here. We are paring down what little we have in hopes of cutting our moving expenses down. Not that we have much of anything left, but the less the better. We need to travel light. Anyway, if you hear of anyone that want a nice condo in the Southwest suburbs of Chicago, have them call.