After 5 years I finally broke down a got new phone. I know I am SO OLD SCHOOL, a phone, no qwerty sidekicking keyboard for texting, no Blackberry - just a phone, a real phone, one that rings. But I love it. After over 20 years with Verizon, and whoever they were before they were Verizon, we switched to T-Mobile. MUCH better rates, and like damn near everything is free. Michael and I got matching phones, mine is red, his is black. We are not texters, or emailers, so regular phones suit us well. Everyone at work is on me to get a Blackberry, and I think why, so people I hate can bother me more? No thanks. I want to be LESS in touch, less accessible, less connected. I don't think this IM, social networking, NOW world that everyone is all jacked up on is all that great. I think we need downtime, alone time, family time. Remember the day when you left the office/home and no one could contact you till you got back and actually picked up the phone? And remember when people would not dare to call before 9am or after 8pm, because that was family time??? What happened to that courtesy? Where did those boundaries go? Anyway, I am rambling, I like my phone, we are saving money, the end.