Poor Jess! I feel bad for her. She is so sweet, so beautiful and she just can't work out the whole romance thing. You would think that such a perfect Barbie doll could find happiness with just about anyone, but it hasn't worked out for her yet. And she seems to try so hard and to want it so bad, it makes me sad for her.
I actually like her. True she is not the brightest star in the sky, but I do think she is genuine. I used to watch the Newlyweds show and she never failed to amuse, but it never seemed put on, it just seemed like it was her, funny, silly, stupid, beautiful - whatever came out - it all felt honest. I find her endearing and with every heartbreak and weight fluctuation - even more so. (Not to mention I am a HUGE supporter of her shoe & clothing line! In fact the ONLY shoes that travel with me on vaca are my Jess's - I simply cannot leave them behind.)