Meet Binks - the newest member of our family! Isn't he gorgeous!?! He is huge and spectacular. Another wonderful kitty from A Caring Place Humane Society - http://www.acaringplacehs.org/ . We didn't plan on bringing a new member into the family today. We were just out running errands, one of which was dropping off some gifts for the ACP Golf Outing & Auction on September 9th. Lori who gave us Truman and runs the shelter, said we had to go see Binks, he reminds her so much of Truman......well guess what happened? We couldn't say no. He is a stray if you can believe it, who has been with the shelter for over a year. They think he is part Rag Doll, since he has long hair and giant furry paws. He is about 18" long and weighs 14 pounds. I actually think he looks a little skinny. He is so big he makes our piglet Truman look petite. I am sure we will have more pictures as the weekend goes by, but this is a little something to start with. Enjoy!