Look at the beauty and peacefulness... It really is that gorgeous. I tried to include a little of everything we saw/did. Including, my very first Chik-Fil-A!! OMG!!! They truly are addictive. I totally understand the fascination now. I refused to leave until I had one last one. I am working on a way to import them to the North, until we move. I think dry ice, Fed Ex will be involved...
I also posted a shot of one of my favorite luncheon spots - the oh so posh New Pass Grill & Bait Shop. Where you can pick up a bucket of minnows and a terrific tuna salad sandwich. It is a find, one of those great, no frills, love it or leave it places. Great sammies, seaside with some very insistent seagulls that want - no demand - to share your meal. We love it there.
Please note - when you zoom in on my photos - tan lines. Yes - tan lines! I GOT COLOR! I almost look Caucasian. After a week I stopped being transparent and was verging on peachy. After a few more days - actual skin pigment! And there are actual photos of my husband. He does exist! He didn't burst into flames because I took his picture.
We had so many memorable moments. For Michael his top was probally getting stung by jelly fish. LOL! Not funny. For me, besides the Chik-Fil-A, it was probally watching the wild dolphons surf off the Venice Jetty and hunt for fish. It was breathtaking. I tried to capture some shots of them, but they are so fast and pop up randomly, so it didn't pan out. But I will never forget it. It was like the Discovery Channel right before your eyes. They were so graceful and powerful - it was amazing.
We had so many memorable moments. For Michael his top was probally getting stung by jelly fish. LOL! Not funny. For me, besides the Chik-Fil-A, it was probally watching the wild dolphons surf off the Venice Jetty and hunt for fish. It was breathtaking. I tried to capture some shots of them, but they are so fast and pop up randomly, so it didn't pan out. But I will never forget it. It was like the Discovery Channel right before your eyes. They were so graceful and powerful - it was amazing.
But now we are back, hopefully not for long. Starting Monday we are doing all we can to get rid of this house and get down to Florida before winter strikes...which should be in about four weeks... Wish us luck!