I can't help it - I do love it! It is catty and it is reality TV, which I despise, but c'mon - it's Isaac! I LOVE HIM!!!! Who doesn't?!?!?! He is brilliant and funny and warm and brings such humanity to the show. I love when they discuss the thought process behind the design, when they look at what one of the contestants is working on and can envision where it can go and explain it. That is a creative insight I completely lack. I can look at something and say good or bad, yes or no, but to develop it - forget it, I don't have that ability. Maybe that is why I enjoy the show. It features a personality aspect I completely lack. Anyway, it is week 5, I think, and I think the front runners are Reco, Anna and Merlin. (Merlin who should get an award for just being Merlin on a sunny day, he is a riot in real life.) Right now I am leaning towards Anna...but Reco has talent and sewing skills....but then there is Merlin, and you just don't know what might happen there.