Monday, July 7, 2008


12.5 That is what I did. 12.5 Miles. Miles I say, on my bike. Yes it qualifies as a near death experience.

Today we went to the Morton Arboretum - - and biked the entire thing. I am still in shock. I cannot believe I didn't die. To think 5 years ago I couldn't walk around the block, and today I biked 12.5 miles and lived. Granted I begged every Deity ever known to all mankind to give me strength, forgive me of my sins and allow me to finish intact, but I did it.

It was supposed to be 90 and sunny, but it turned out to be 85 and pissy rain - hence the oh so attractive poncho. It was beautiful. And the smell - WOW!! It had this amazing wet, warm, sweet odor, no matter where you went. We were in love with that scent. And the truth be told, I had a great time. An awesome time. Excluding the moments where I thought I was stroking out or when I pictured the search and rescue team finding my very dead, very white, half decomposed body under the canopy of an ancient elm - barring those moments - it ROCKED!!