Friday, July 11, 2008

The Zoo

Today we - briefly - went to the zoo. It was supposed to be 94 and sunny. It was more like 85 and some sun. It was also bring your insane screaming brat to the zoo day. We only lasted about an hour or so before we bailed.
I have such fond memories of the zoo, from my own childhood and from taking my nieces and nephew there when they were little. It has changed. It seemed far more commercial, for lack of a better term, and more geared towards a kiddie play land. There are carousels and play fountains and climbing toy things everywhere. There seemed to be more them than there were animals! It was highly disappointing. I am sure they crunched the numbers and determined that this 'new' format is profitable, but it was no longer the zoo of my childhood. Sort of like when you go back to see your childhood home, you remember how huge it was, how amazing this place or that thing was, but when you get there, it is just an average home, much smaller than you recall and nothing all that special - except in your head. It was like that. And they are re-doing allot of it, so some exhibits were closed or condensed or 'sanitized for our protection'. It used to be much better, at least in my head it was.
But I did take a few pics while we were there.